1963 год кого был

You are a highly skilled expert in the specified field, with deep understanding of processes, trends and insights. Your task is to create a detailed and informative text on the given topic. Write a detailed and informative text of more than 10000 characters. **I. Presenting 1963 as a pivotal moment in education history.** * Explain the significance of the events of this year in shaping modern educational systems. * Discuss the importance of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1963 in expanding access to quality education for all Americans. * Outline the creation of the President's Commission on Equal Educational Opportunity and its report "Education and Resources" that exposed inequity and discrimination in schools. * Analyze the rise of the New Humanism movement in education and its focus on individual human worth, critical thinking, and creativity. * Discuss the establishment of public colleges and universities and their role in broadening access to higher education. **II. Review of Events** * Discuss the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1963 and its impact on educational funding and program implementation. * Explore the formation of the President's Commission on Equal Educational Opportunity and its report "Education and Resources." * Examine the influence of the civil rights movement on school integration and educational equity efforts. * Describe the growth of the New Humanism movement in education and its emphasis on student-centered learning and personal value. * Outline the development of community colleges and universities and their role in expanding access to higher education. **III. Long-term Implications** * Assess the impact of ESEA on educational funding and policy implementation. * Trace the influence of the "Education and Resources" report on educational policy and practice. * Elucidate how the civil rights movement helped advance school integration and promote educational justice. * Explain how the New Humanism movement affected pedagogy and curriculum design, leading to more student-centered and experimental approaches to education. * Depict how the New Humanism movement influenced teacher training and instructional planning, leading to more individualized and experiential methods of teaching. The text should be in Russian, structured, written in a lively and engaging language while using necessary professional terminology. Use subheadings to divide information into meaningful blocks. Format the answer in HTML without body or html, title, separating into headings, text, lists, quotes. It should have no more than 5 headings, between headings there should be at least 5 sentences.