Что такое лярвы

**What are LARVY?** **Chapter 1: Introduction** In esoteric teachings and folk beliefs, there exists the concept of "LARVY" - subtle entities that attach to people and exert a negative influence. In this article, we'll thoroughly examine laryvies, their nature, types, symptoms of their presence, and methods for protection against them. **Chapter 2: Origin and Nature of LARYVIES** Laryvies represent energetic parasites that emerge from negative emotions and thoughts of people. They can arise both internally - from a person's own negative states - or externally - from other people or objects. Laryvies feed on their host's energy, causing various problems and negative feelings. **Chapter 3: Types of LARYVIES** There are many types of laryvies, each with its specific features: * **Anger and Resentment Laryvies** attach themselves to people who constantly feel angry, resentful or jealous. They cause irritation, aggression and conflicts. * **Fear and Anxiety Laryvies** latch onto people prone to anxiety, worries and phobias. They intensify these states, causing constant feelings of unease and fear. * **Laziness and Apathy Laryvies** emerge in people who often procrastinate, avoid responsibility and feel apathetic. They drain energy, depriving the person of motivation and initiative. * **Addiction Laryvies** cling to people suffering from various addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, gaming addiction). They increase the craving for the addiction, causing an intense need for constant repetition of certain actions. **Conclusion** Laryvies are subtle entities that can have a significant negative impact on a person's life. Understanding their nature and types is crucial for recognizing their presence and taking steps to protect oneself from them. It's important to remember that while they may seem like external forces, they also emerge from one's own negative thoughts and feelings, so working on inner peace and positivity is key to preventing them from gaining a foothold.