Гадание на рунах на да или нет



Runic divination is an ancient art that has been practiced for centuries. It involves interpreting the meanings and relationships between runes to gain insight into past events, current situations, and future possibilities. This guide aims to provide a detailed overview of the origins, history, techniques, and applications of runic divination.

History and Origin

The earliest known use of runes dates back to the 2nd century CE in northern Europe. They were primarily used as a writing system before evolving into a divination tool. The oldest known runic inscriptions are found on the Negau helmet, which was discovered in Austria in 1835.

Types of Runes

There are two main types of runes:

  1. Elder Futhark: These are the original runes used by Germanic peoples.
  2. Younger Futhark: These are simplified versions of the elder runes.

Each rune has a unique shape, sound, and meaning. The most commonly used runes include:

  • Fehu (F): Represents wealth, prosperity, and material possessions.
  • Ur (U): Symbolizes strength, courage, and power.
  • Thurisaz (Th): Represents struggle, challenge, and conflict.
  • Ansuz (A): Represents communication, wisdom, and inspiration.
  • Raido (R): Represents travel, journeys, and movement.
  • Kaunan (K): Represents fire, light, and energy.
  • Gebo (G): Represents gifts, generosity, and abundance.
  • Wunjo (W): Represents joy, happiness, and celebration.
  • Hagalaz (H): Represents hail, destruction, and hardship.
  • Nauthiz (N): Represents need, necessity, and requirement.
  • Isa (I): Represents ice, cold, and frost.
  • Ar (A): Represents ara, a sacred grove or place of worship.
  • Sowilo (S): Represents sun, light, and warmth.
  • Tiwaz (T): Represents Tyr, the Norse god of single combat.
  • Bjorkan (B): Represents birch, the tree associated with Freya.
  • Mannaz (M): Represents mankind, humanity, and community.
  • Lagu (L): Represents water, flow, and movement.
  • Inguz (J): Represents yggdrasil, the world tree.
  • Othala (O): Represents oaths, vows, and promises.
  • Dagaz (D): Represents day, dawn, and new beginnings.
  • Eolh (E): Represents Yggdrasil, the world tree.
  • Perthro (P): Represents fate, destiny, and fortune.
  • Elhaz (Z): Represents Algiz, the rune of protection and defense.
  • Sowilo (S): Represents sun, light, and warmth.
  • Teiwaz (T): Represents Tyr, the Norse god of single combat.
  • Bjorken (B): Represents birch, the tree associated with Freya.
  • Mannaz (M): Represents mankind, humanity, and community.
  • Lagu (L): Represents water, flow, and movement.
  • Inguz (J): Represents yggdrasil, the world tree.
  • Othala (O): Represents oaths, vows, and promises.
  • Dagaz (D): Represents day, dawn, and new beginnings.

Techniques of Runic Divination

There are several ways to practice runic divination, including:

  1. Single Rune Casting: This involves drawing one rune at a time and interpreting its meaning.
  2. Three-Rune Spread: This method involves drawing three runes - one for the past, present, and future.
  3. Six-Rune Spread: This involves drawing six runes - three for the past, present, and future, and three representing the questioner's subconscious mind.
  4. Nine-Rune Spread: This involves drawing nine runes - three for the past, present, and future, and six representing the questioner's subconscious mind.

Applications of Runic Divination

Runic divination can be used in various aspects of life, including:

  1. Personal Questions: This includes questions about relationships, career, health, and other personal matters.
  2. Business Decisions: It can help in making business decisions and planning strategies.
  3. Relationship Advice: It can provide insights into relationships and love life.
  4. Health Issues: It can provide guidance on health-related matters.
  5. Travel and Movement: It can provide insights into travel plans and movements.
  6. Creative Projects: It can provide inspiration and ideas for creative projects.


Runic divination is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into various aspects of life. It requires practice and patience to master, but once you do, it can become an invaluable resource in decision-making and problem-solving. Remember, however, that the interpretation of runes is subjective and should not be treated as absolute truths. They should be used as a guide rather than a strict set of rules.


  1. The Elder Futhark: A Handbook of Elder Futhark Runes by Edred Thorsson
  2. The Complete Book of Runes by Ralph Blum
  3. The Runestone by Kveldulf Gundarsson
  4. Teaching Runes by Edred Thorsson

Additional Resources:

  1. - An online resource dedicated to the study of runes.
  2. - A YouTube video explaining the basics of runic divination.
  3. - A book by Edred Thorsson that provides a comprehensive guide to the elder futhark runes.

Remember to always approach runic divination with an open mind and use it as a tool for guidance rather than as an absolute authority.